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East Dunbartonshire Primary Care Mental Health Team

Primary Care Mental Health Teams (PCMHT)  aim to provide information and support to enable people to work through emotional health difficulties that they may have, and to improve their overall health and wellbeing. The service is suitable for adults with mild to moderate mental health problems.

The service helps those experiencing common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and tries to tailor their service to the individual. This can be via self-help materials, telephone assessment appointments, psycho-educational groups or short courses of brief individual therapy.

The first contact should be made to healthcare professional e.g. GPs, health visitors (if in the perinatal period) and other mental health services who will advise a referral.

Services Offered:

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Depression

The Primary Care Mental Health team continue to offer this service during the coronavirus pandemic in line with Scottish Government and Health & Social Care safety guidelines. Appointments will be offered via telephone, virtual and where appropriate face to face appointments.

Normal opening times:

Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 17:00

There are also some evening appointments available on request.

Contact Numbers:

0141 232 8204 or 0141 232 8203

Scan the above QR code to Self Refer to the Primary Care Mental Health Team

Self referral link: Self-referral Form – East Dunbartonshire Primary Care Mental Health Team: Survey Powered by Webropol


Kirkintilloch Health & Care Centre
10 Saramago Street
G66 3BF

Useful self-help websites:

Phone Apps:

  • Headspace
  • Silvercloud Health
  • Stop Breathe Think

Counselling Services:

  • Bereavement (Cruse Scotland):                                0808 802 6161          
  • East Dunbartonshire Association for Mental Health:      0141 955 3040         
  • Spark Glasgow                                                  0808 802 2088          

Useful Contact Numbers and Websites:

  • NHS 24:                                                                111
  • Breathing Space:                                              0800 83 85 87            
  • Samaritans:                                                        116 123                        
  • Richmond Fellowship:                                  0141 777 7471          

Specific Services:

  • Bereavement (Cruse Scotland):                                0808 802 6161          
  • Carers Link:                                                        0141 955 21 31         
  • East Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drugs Addictions Services:      0141 232 8211
  • Rape Crisis Scotland:                                      08088 01 03 02         
  • Victim Support Scotland:                             0800 160 1985          
  • Children Mental Health:                              0141 404 0057          
  • Women’s Aid                                                    0800 027 1234