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Emergency Care Summary Record

What does this information contain?

This is to let you know about the way we in the NHS store your health records. It tells you about the Emergency Care Summary which all patients in Scotland have, and the benefits of this and explains how all your health records are stored and linked electronically, and why that is good for your healthcare.

What is an Emergency Care Summary?

This is a summary of basic information about your health which might be important if you need urgent medical care when your GP Surgery is closed, or when you go to an Accident & Emergency Department. It means that all NHS staff looking after you can get important information about your health, even if they cannot contact your GP surgery. Please go to Emergency Care Summary for further information.

Your Emergency Care Summary contains the following information.

  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • The name of your GP surgery
  • An identifying number called a CHI number (there is more about the CHI number later)
  • information about any medicines prescribed by your GP surgery
  • Any bad reactions you’ve had to medicines that your GP knows about

Your Emergency Care Summary is copied from your GP’s computer system and stored electronically. NHS staff can then find it quickly if they need to see it.

Who can look at my Emergency Care Summary?

NHS staff can look at your Emergency Care Summary on computer if they need to treat you when your GP surgery is closed. They must ask you if you agree to this before they look at your information.

  • If you agree, only the staff listed below will be able to look at your Emergency Care Summary
  • Doctors, Nurses and Receptionists in out-of-hours medical centres
  • Staff at NHS 24 who are involved in your care
  • Staff in hospital accident and emergency departments
  • In the future, ambulance staff may also be able to look at your Emergency Care Summary
  • If you are unconscious, NHS staff may look at your Emergency Care Summary without your agreement. This is so they can give you the best possible care
    How do I know that the information in my Emergency Care Summary is secure?
  • The NHS stores your Emergency Care Summary electronically using the highest standards of security
  • Only NHS staff directly involved in your medical care will be allowed to look at your Emergency Care Summary
  • NHS staff can only look at your Emergency Care Summary if they have a password that allows them to
  • A record will be kept of everyone who has looked at your Emergency Care Summary
  • Your GP surgery will be able to check who has looked at your record if you want them to
    What if I’m not sure that I want an Emergency Care Summary?
  • If you don’t want an Emergency Care Summary to be made for you, tell your GP Surgery
  • Don’t forget that if you do have an Emergency Care Summary, you will be asked if staff can look at it every time they need to – you don’t have to agree to this

Can I see my Emergency Care Summary?

  • If you would like to see your Emergency Care Summary, ask your GP to print it out for you to have a look at
  • If you think anything is wrong, ask for it to be changed

What is an electronic health record?

  • It is any information about your health and health care which is stored electronically
  • We will use an identifying number called the Community Health Index number ( CHI for short) to link up the different parts of your health record held in different places within the NHS

How are my records stored at the moment?

  • Some of your health information is recorded on paper files that are kept in different places. For example, you may have one set of records at your GP Surgery, and another set at any Hospital you have been treated at in the past
  • GPs and Hospitals now store some records electronically, but historically the computers they used were not linked up so when you went to a Hospital, staff there could not look at the health records held at your GP Surgery

What are the benefits of electronic health records?

  • NHS staff are able to find medical information about you much more quickly
  • Staff treating you have a more complete picture of your health and your medical background. For example, we are able to see quickly if you have any long-term medical conditions, or if you have recently had an operation
  • This information will be available even when you are not at home – for example, if you are in another part of Scotland
  • It will be easier for you to look at your own health records, for example, if you want to check that they are correct

How soon will my electronic health record be complete?

  • Current records are stored some electronically, but it will take some time before all your health records are held electronically
  • It will also take quite a long time before we are able to link all your records, using the CHI number
  • Most test results are now stored on computer. This means your GP gets the results more quickly, without having to wait for a letter
  • Letters about your care and treatment are often sent electronically between NHS staff and stored on computer. This may happen if, for example, your GP refers you to Hospital or if you leave Hospital

What if I do not wish my electronic health record to be accessed ?

  • Please write to the the Practice Manager and we will update your Practice records accordingly ensuring that your electronic health records will no longer be shared

Do you need more information?

  • For information about your emergency care summary or electronic health records from phone the NHS Helpline on 0800 22 44 88
  • If you want to find out more about your health records and how you can see what’s in them, ask for the leaflets ‘How to see your health records’ and ‘Confidentiality – it’s your right’. You can get these leaflets from:
    • GP Surgeries, Dental Surgeries, Hospitals and any other places where you receive NHS care
    • the NHS Helpline on 0800 22 44 88;
    • your local Citizens Advice Bureau (find your nearest bureau on the internet at Citizens advice bureau or in your local phone book).